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Surrounded by over 10 acres of beautiful countryside in North Coventry Township, Shenkel members have a special appreciation for nature and all of God’s creation. Our outdoor summer services, under the trees in our grove, provide a unique spiritual experience for our members. The “always open” labyrinth also provides a quiet place for the entire community to enjoy.


Most Sundays throughout the year, Shenkel offers two diverse services.  Our “early service” at 8:30am offers a contemplative worship experience allowing for meaningful interaction and quiet prayerful discussion.  Our “late service” at 9:45am is a traditional worship service including music, scripture & sermon as well as a children’s time.


Widespread social justice concerns are very important to our members, and serve as the foundation for many of our outreach programs.  We are an Open and Affirming church.  Our ongoing support of the homeless ministry along with regular support of our local food pantry are important priorities for our members.  Our Youth Group participates each year in the local CROP Walk for the Hungry and spends a weekend in Philadelphia each year, preparing and serving a meal for the homeless and participating in city park cleanup efforts.  We have also participated in Mission Trips to Puerto Rico, providing aid and support in rebuilding from the devastations there a few years ago.  The Shenkel CARE team provides support for one another- allowing for a true sense of community and care on an ongoing basis.  These are some of the ways that Shenkel members are living out God's message.


More than anything else, the members and friends of Shenkel are the root of what makes this a special place for so many generations.  You will leave here feeling welcomed, loved and supported by our congregation.  No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey- you are welcome here.

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